
Werewolf: The Apocalypse — RETALIATION

Created by FLYOS

A World of Darkness visceral and violent role-playing dungeon-crawler for 1 to 4 players.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Creative Diary — 16 Rulebook
7 months ago – Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 09:31:45 AM

Hello again!

We're back with some exciting news! you can have a look at everything happening with FLYOS in our monthly video here:


We now have a complete version fo the rulebook ready to share with you! Please let us know what you think of it in the comments and on our Discord!

Please keep in mind that some changes might still be applied to the rulebook in the future!

We are currently running playstest to proof the scenarios and make sure that no bugs are left! We're very happy with how the game is coming along. 

We'll have videos showing you more about the mechanics and character creation in the coming weeks! Keep a lookout for those!

Survive Until Daylight

Another of our projects was recently released and is now available on our online store! Have a look at it here: Survive Until Daylight


Bonjour à tous !

Nous sommes de retour avec des nouvelles excitantes ! Vous pouvez jeter un œil à tout ce qui se passe avec FLYOS dans notre vidéo mensuelle ici :

Livre de règles

Nous avons maintenant une version complète du livre de règles prête à partager avec vous ! Merci de nous faire part de vos commentaires à ce sujet dans les commentaires et sur notre Discord!

Veuillez garder à l'esprit que des changements pourraient encore être apportés aux règlements à l'avenir !

Nous effectuons actuellement des playtests pour vérifier les scénarios et nous assurer qu'il ne reste aucun bug ! Nous sommes très heureux de l'évolution du jeu.

Nous aurons d'autres vidéos vous montrant davantage sur les mécaniques et la création de personnages dans les semaines à venir ! Restez à l'affût pour celles-ci !

Survivez Jusqu'à l'Aube

Un autre de nos projets a récemment été publié et est maintenant disponible dans notre boutique en ligne ! Jetez-y un œil ici : Survive Until Daylight

Creative Diary - 15 Roadmap and New Rules
7 months ago – Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 06:24:28 AM

Welcome Back!

Hello again our dear backers, we know it's been a while but we think it will have been worth the wait. We've updated the roadmap to better reflect the progress on the game and our plan for the end of production. Have a look at it below.

With this in mind, we are pushing back the expected date for delivery to Q4 2024. We know this is farther than initially envisioned but we believe it's best to take our time and make RETALIATION the best it can be before releasing it! This ensures you'll have the best version of this game, straight from the get go!

We wanted to offer you a view of the full rulebook but sadly it is not fully ready yet. As soon as it is ready we will offer you an update containing it and more detail on the rules! Now, please have a look at the many changes that have been brought to the game in the last few months. We'd love for you to come share your feedback on these changes on our Discord server!


Changes to the Rules

The design team have redesigned and improved many systems and assets based on public playtests. These tests have allowed us to identify areas of improvement we could work on and rethink in order to create a better experience for everyone. All these changes were made with the aim of streamlining the gameplay and improving the user experience and flow of the game from a mechanical, visual design, and narrative points of view. We are proud to present the following changes to the game:

NB: Although all game design elements presented here are in their latest and most refined iteration, the names of certain cards, effects, tokens and such are still under review and are subject to change before release.


General Design: The combat cards have been extensively reworked so that each character’s form has its own specialty in combat situations. The Homid is a tactician and support for the pack, wielding weapons and technological items, as well as having the ability to set traps. The Lupus is a fast, shadowy hunter that hinders the opponent by inflicting conditions to weaken them, while the Crinos is a war beast capable of taking damage while simultaneously inflicting it on several targets. This gives each form a separate identity so that players can quickly understand their character’s abilities. This adjustment to the cards also allowed us to provide better synergy between the Garou’s forms, as well as between the cards themselves. The players will now get to tackle combat in the way that fits their preference.

Player Combat Cards (Crinos - Homid - Lupus)

Unlocking Combat Cards: The combat cards players unlock are no longer linked to their Physical Attribute. Every player now starts with a base deck that consists of 6 cards for each form (18 in total). The advanced deck consists of 12 cards players will unlock over time during certain events, scenarios and other dramatic situations. All cards will be available to all players; however, characters’ attributes or skill levels will determine how easily they can use the cards, as well as each card’s effectiveness.

Using Combat Cards: Combat cards no longer have to be discarded after use. Instead, they can be used several times in the same fight, as long as the player has the resources necessary for their use. Some cards will, for example, require you to spend willpower or rage, while others will replenish these resources. This will allow the quantity of each available resource to fluctuate throughout the fights, and give the gain and loss of resources additional consequences.

Damages and Effects: The damage inflicted by attacks is no longer linked to die rolls, but is now fixed and written directly on the card. The die roll now determines whether or not the attack is successful (see “Critical Hit Value” in section “NPCs”, below). The number of dice rolled to determine the success of an attack is always linked to the player character’s Physical Attribute, certain effects or additional damage can be linked to particular skills or attributes.

UI: The cards’ graphic design has been revised for greater clarity and readability.


The character board have been redesigned to include information concerning the characters’ backgrounds (Auspice, Tribe, Backstory) so that the player always has a clear view of all their information.

It now also contains slots for Tribe Gifts. (You can find more information on how these work in the section on Tribe Gifts, below.)

Character Board


Overview: Throughout the campaign, players will increase their characters’ status among the Garou. There are five ranks, and each will unlock new Auspice and Tribe abilities. These abilities are called gifts.

Auspice, Tribe and Backstory tokens to set on the Character Board

Tribe Gifts: Tribe gifts are no longer represented by cards; instead, they are now tokens that can be inserted directly into the character board. Tribe gifts are minor abilities that will allow the player to facilitate some of their checks or actions. Each player has five tribe gifts, three of which are directly linked to their tribe and two of which players can choose from a common pool of eight gifts. Players can divide these gifts between themselves as they wish at the beginning of the campaign.

Shadow Lords specific Tribe Gifts  

Common Tribe Gifts

How Tribe Gifts Work: Players may use any of their character’s tribe gifts from the beginning of the campaign; however, the number of gifts a character can use is limited by the number of tracking cubes they have accumulated. Each tracking cube will allow the player to prepare and use a single gift during each scenario’s introduction. 

As the campaign progresses, the players’ rank will increase, and they will obtain more tracking cubes, allowing them to prepare more gifts prior to each scenario. At Rank 1, a player has only one cube; by the time they reach Rank 5, they will have five. 

Each tribe gift can only be used once per scenario. After using a tribe gift, the player must remove a tracking cube from their character board to indicate that the gift has been used in that scenario.

Auspice Gifts: Auspice Gifts are special combat cards that replace certain cards in the players’ base combat deck. They always have the same name as the card they replace, and act as a version of the card with improved capabilities. Auspice gifts keep players’ base combat decks competitive throughout the campaign - but even more importantly, they allow each player to create a unique deck.

Auspice version of cleave Base (Philodox)

The player doesn’t hit Allies and Players anymore when using Cleave.

Unlocking Auspice Gifts: For each new status rank, players will replace a card in their base combat deck with one of two auspice gift cards. This allows players to customize their combat deck and their desired auspice gift based on their character’s play style or intended specialization.

Gifts Visuals: In order to help players distinguish between classic combat cards and cards featuring auspice gifts, auspice gifts will be printed on holographic cards.


Friendly Fire: ON: Any attack or effect that hits an area will now hit all targets indiscriminately. When using these attacks, a player character may harm another player character, or an enemy may injure another enemy. 

Frenzy: A character’s chances of entering Frenzy no longer depend on the difference between the number of successes of the black dice and red dice. Instead, players must now reach a fixed value with the rage dice to enter Frenzy. This means characters now enter Frenzy more frequently, but players also have better insight into their character’s chances of entering Frenzy. We’ve also made it easier for characters to exit Frenzy via the use of certain abilities, like the Homid’s Appease combat card.

Effects tokens: The number of different effect tokens has been revised to improve the clarity and flow of combat. The four effect tokens are Resistance, Bleed, Poisoned and Immobilized tokens.

Summons: Players can call on certain spirits to help them during the fights by using the Invoke combat card. Each spirit has its own abilities, and will remain on the battlefield for a number of rounds specific to each spirit.

Spirits Cards

Traps: Players can place traps on tiles by using the Weapon Expert combat card. These traps have different effects and are triggered when any character passes over or stops on the hex on which the trap has been placed. This means traps can be triggered by player characters.


Enemy Difficulty: Enemy statistics no longer change based on the number of players; now, the number of enemies in battle increases with the amount of player characters present at the start of a fight. This change makes state cards much more readable.

State Cards Reforged: State cards have been revised to improve their clarity. Certain stats such as attack or resistance have been removed. NPCs' damage is directly recorded on their attacks.

State Cards

Enemy Combat Cards: NPC decks have been replaced by a common deck. This deck has each card numbered from 1 to 10. The number on the card drawn at the start of the round determines which attack all enemies on the board will perform. For example: If an enemy has two attacks, the range of the first is 1 to 5, and the range of the second is 6 to 10. If the card drawn is 7, the enemy will make its second attack. This change significantly improves the flow of combat and allows the design team to create synergy between different enemies’ attacks. 

Note: Bosses will have their own combat deck.

NPCs Common Combat Deck

Affixes: Affixes are passive bonuses and effects found on NPC state cards that allow those NPCs to behave in a particular way, and that often determine the strategy players must adopt to defeat them. For example: An enemy with the explosive affix will inflict 3 unpreventable damage in a range of 2 hexes surrounding them as soon as it dies. This fact encourages players to kill this enemy with ranged weapons to avoid suffering said damage. An NPC can have several affixes.

Hit Value / Critical Hit Value: Two new stats have been added to state cards to replace resistance: the hit value, which corresponds to the minimum number of successes a player must obtain when rolling to hit the target and apply the damage and effects of their combat card; and the critical hit value, a higher value that triggers a critical effect if a player reaches that value. For example: A critical effect may allow a player to deal 2 additional damage than the regular damage of a combat card.


Stealth System: You will no longer have to make calculations based on distance from an NPC to know the value of a stealth check; instead, the difficulty of a stealth check while in the line of sight of an NPC will be noted on their state card. This value will remain consistent throughout their Line of Sight, except in the dead zone (the hexes to the sides and rear of the NPC), where it will be reduced by 1.

Outcome Section: A new section has been added to the scenario booklets to direct players to the pages they must read when they fail a stealth check, when a round tracker reaches a certain number, or when some other set event occurs during a scenario. This will ensure players no longer need to remember which page to read when certain events occur – such as when a round tracker reaches 0, for example.

Journey Cards: Journey cards allow players to track certain story events from scenario to scenario. Each represents an important choice players have made over the course of the campaign, and always include flavor text that summarizes how the players obtained the card. 

Journey Cards

Journey Cards

Shapeshifting/Quickshifting: The quickshifting system has been integrated, allowing players to shapeshift as a minor action rather than a major action at the cost of 1 point of Rage. This change makes fights more dynamic.

Character Creation Guide: A step-by-step character creation guidebook will be provided to simplify the rulebook and offer in-depth support to players as they create their characters.

Rulebook Redesign: The rulebook has been completely redesigned and reworked to offer a more logical presentation of the rules.

Caern Board: The Caern Board has been removed from the game in order to limit the number of assets on the table. All the information the Caern Board contained has been integrated into other parts of the game: the buildings are now Journey cards; rank and Moon phase tracking is now done directly on each introductory page in the Storybook; and the Round Tracker is now a separate asset. 

Strategy Pack: Strategy packs have been removed from the game. Previously, these were offered to players by spirits throughout the game, and were intended to create fun new pack strategies during combat. However, all the changes that have been made to combat via combat cards, affixes, traps and summons greatly improve on the function of the former Strategy packs, and will allow players greater freedom of choice during gameplay. The removal of Strategy packs will also reduce the number of assets on the table during a scenario and improve the flow of combat.


• Improved Retargeting System

• Balancing rework

• Reworked UX for greater clarity

• Reorganized sections in Booklet

• Redesigned Weapons cards for greater readability

• Simplified initiative

• Improved standees

• Improved system for Fire tokens

• Improved Round Tracker 

• Improved Status Rank tracking 

• Improved forms 

• Standardized CTAs in booklets


Creative Diary — 14 Game Evolution and Latest Announcements
9 months ago – Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 07:29:15 AM

Hello again!

Here is the late January update for Werewolf: The Apocalypse - RETALIATION. We've got exciting news and some new game elements to share with you!

Pledge Manager

We have now closed the pledge manager and locked in the orders. If you were charged and have chosen to pay in instalments, please send us an email at [email protected] to correct this as soon as possible.

If you're wondering why we chose to close it this early, here's the idea behind it: Confirming the amount of boxes, their languages and the number of expansions will assure the quick production of the games once once we begin printing them. moreover, this assures that shipping costs will not rise as we have locked in the cost for the units ordered. Even if the market changes drastically, you will not be charged more.

We believe this is in the best interest of everyone in order to obtain a quick and efficient delivery once the game is ready.

Rulebook update

We've been hard at work preparing the new rulebook and are happy to share a small snippet of it here! Some major changes are currently being made to the game system which is keeping us from showing you the whole thing but we will be able to give you more info in the next update!

Currently, the changes include the following:

  • Reforge of the character board for a slicker experience ;
  • Rework of the NPC attack system for quicker and more vicious combat ;
  • Auspice Gifts now combat cards ;
  • Tribe Gifts are now integrated into character boards ;
  • New strategic dimension to combat through passive effects (affix) for enemies ;
  • Simplified stealth system ;
  • Reforge of player combat cards to have more personality ;
  • Simplification of mechanics to focus on flow of the game ;
  • Critical hit system as well as Glorious attacks.


We are relaunching our Monthlies on Youtube! Take a look at the brand new video going over updates for all things FLYOS!


Another big announcement! We are officially opening our Discord server for all things FLYOS. You'll be able to meet and chat with people of common interest as well as keep up to date with FLYOS. This will be the place to ask all your questions, which the community and the devs will be able to answer!
We can't wait to chat with you over on our Discord server!

New Campaign

You might have seen that we will be starting a new campaign for a definitive edition of Vampire: The Masquerade - CHAPTERS. If you haven't tried it out yet or if you want to dive back in, we'll have some exciting new content and new ways to play the game!

Take a look here:

Final words

We've been having a blast developing RETALIATION and seeing it transform into the beast it will be! Let us know what you think about the rulebook and come chat with us on Discord!
Until next time.

The FLYOS Team


Bonjour a tous et a toutes!

Voici la mise à jour de fin janvier pour Werewolf: The Apocalypse - RETALIATION. Nous avons des nouvelles passionnantes et de nouveaux éléments de jeu à partager avec vous !

Pledge Manager

Nous avons maintenant fermé le Pledge Manager et confirmé les commandes. Si vous avez été débité et avez choisi de payer en plusieurs versements, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à [email protected] pour corriger cela dès que possible.

Si vous vous demandez pourquoi nous avons choisi de le fermer si tôt, voici l'idée derrière : Confirmer le nombre de boîtes, leurs langues et le nombre d'extensions assurera la production rapide des jeux une fois que nous commencerons à les imprimer. De plus, cela garantit que les coûts d'expédition ne vont pas augmenter, car nous avons figé le coût des unités commandées. Même si le marché change de manière drastique, vous ne serez pas facturé davantage.

Nous croyons que cela est dans le meilleur intérêt de tous afin d'obtenir une livraison rapide et efficace une fois que le jeu est prêt.

Mise à jour du livre de règles

Nous avons travaillé dur pour préparer le nouveau livre de règles et sommes heureux de partager un petit extrait ici ! Des changements majeurs sont actuellement apportés au système de jeu, ce qui nous empêche de vous montrer le document complet, mais nous pourrons vous fournir plus d'informations dans la prochaine update !

Actuellement, les changements incluent les éléments suivants :

  • Refonte du tableau de personnage pour une expérience plus fluide
  • Refonte du système d'attaque des PNJ pour des combats plus rapides et plus féroces
  • Les Dons d'Auspice deviennent des cartes de combat
  • Les Dons de Tribu sont désormais intégrés aux tableaux de personnages
  • Nouvelle dimension stratégique au combat grâce à des effets passifs pour les ennemis
  • Simplification du système d'infiltration
  • Refonte des cartes de combat des joueurs pour plus de personnalité
  • Simplification des mécanismes pour se concentrer sur le déroulement du jeu
  • Système de coups critiques ainsi que des Attaques Glorieuses


Nous recommençons notre série vidéo de Monthlies sur Youtube! Vous y trouverez des nouvelles sur tout nos projets!


Une autre grande annonce ! Nous ouvrons officiellement notre serveur Discord pour tout ce qui concerne FLYOS. Vous pourrez rencontrer et discuter avec des personnes partageant les mêmes intérêts et rester informé sur FLYOS. Cela sera l'endroit pour poser toutes vos questions, auxquelles la communauté et les développeurs pourront répondre ! Nous avons hâte de discuter avec vous sur notre serveur Discord !

Nouvelle campagne

Vous avez peut-être vu que nous allons lancer une nouvelle campagne pour une édition définitive de Vampire: The Masquerade - CHAPTERS. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore essayé ou si vous voulez replonger, nous aurons du nouveau contenu passionnant et de nouvelles façons de jouer au jeu !

Jetez un coup d'œil ici :

Derniers mots

Nous nous éclatons à développer RETALIATION et à le voir se transformer en la bête qu'il sera ! Faites-nous savoir ce que vous pensez du livre de règles et venez discuter avec nous sur Discord ! À la prochaine fois.

L'équipe FLYOS

QUICK REMINDER - Pledge Manager closing January 30th
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 11:25:53 AM

Pledge Manager closing January 30th

Hello again everyone!

Here is a quick reminder that the pledge manager will be closing in the coming days. Once this happens, you will be charged for shipping in order to secure the amount of boxes for production. 

If you opted for paying in instalments, please make sure that your first payment has been sent by the end of the month to make sure you are not charged the full shipping fees once the pledge manager closes.

We'll have more news for you later this week with a full update!

Thank you for your support!

Creative Diary - 13 New Year, New Update
10 months ago – Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 06:16:56 AM

Hello everyone!

As we step into the new year, we're excited to bring you some exciting updates on "Werewolf: The Apocalypse — RETALIATION." Let's dive into the latest news!

New Photos of the game pieces

Get ready for a visual feast! We've just received new renders of the figurines for the game. Have a look at the many characters you'll play or encounter in RETALIATION in all their plastic glory!

All the minis

Pledge Manager and Closing Date

As previously mentioned, we'll be closing the pledge manager on January 31st. Please make sure to finalize your choices and verify your shipping information before the deadline. We appreciate your prompt attention to ensure a smooth process. Shipping will be charged before the 31st of January for those that have not yet paid.

Payment Options

To make things more convenient for our backers, we're excited to announce a new option for payment in multiple installments for shipping costs. If you'd like to use this option for your payment, please send us an email at [email protected]

Production and playtesting

We have been working hard to make sure the game not only plays well but is also as fun as possible. Our game designers have been putting the finishing touches on the main scenarios of the game as well as the extensions. Along with this, we are also hard at work balancing gameplay for the game. We have a lot of playtesting ahead of us in order to craft the best gaming experience possible. We hope to show you the main rules very soon!.

Last Words

We're immensely grateful for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Your role in this adventure has made this year exceptional, and we can't wait to continue this journey together in 2024. Thank you for being a vital part of our fantastic community, even if the road has been a bit rocky at times, we couldn't do it without you. The anticipation to bring RETALIATION to life with you by our side is what fuels our excitement.

Best regards,

The FLYOS Team


Bonjour à tous !

Alors que nous débutons la nouvelle année, nous sommes ravis de vous apporter quelques mises à jour passionnantes sur "Werewolf: The Apocalypse — RETALIATION". Voici les dernières nouvelles !

Nouvelles photos des pièces de jeu

Préparez-vous à un festin visuel ! Nous venons de recevoir de nouveaux rendus des figurines du jeu. Jetez un œil aux nombreux personnages que vous jouerez ou rencontrerez dans RETALIATION, tous dans leur splendeur plastique !

Toutes les figurines

Pledge manager et date de clôture

Comme mentionné précédemment, nous fermerons le pledge manager le 31 janvier. Assurez-vous de finaliser vos choix et de vérifier vos informations d'expédition avant la date limite. Nous apprécions votre attention rapide pour assurer un processus sans problèmes. Les frais d'expédition seront facturés avant le 31 janvier pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore payé.

Options de paiement

Pour faciliter les choses pour nos contributeurs, nous sommes ravis d'annoncer une nouvelle option de paiement en plusieurs versements pour les frais d'expédition. Si vous souhaitez utiliser cette option pour votre paiement, veuillez nous envoyer un e-mail à [email protected]

Production et tests de jeu

Nous travaillons dur pour nous assurer que le jeu soit non seulement bien jouable, mais aussi amusant que possible. Nos game designers mettent la touche finale aux scénarios principaux du jeu ainsi qu'aux extensions. En plus de cela, nous travaillons également dur pour équilibrer le gameplay du jeu. Nous avons beaucoup de tests à faire pour créer la meilleure expérience de jeu possible. Nous espérons vous montrer les règles principales très bientôt !

Mot de la fin

Nous vous sommes extrêmement reconnaissants pour votre soutien indéfectible et votre enthousiasme. Votre rôle dans cette aventure a rendu cette année exceptionnelle, et nous sommes impatients de poursuivre ce voyage ensemble en 2024. Merci d'être une partie essentielle de notre fantastique communauté, même si le chemin a été parfois un peu cahoteux, nous ne pourrions pas le faire sans vous. L'anticipation de donner vie à RETALIATION avec vous à nos côtés est ce qui alimente notre excitation.

Meilleures salutations,

L'équipe FLYOS